It's time to plan your outfits!

Planning what to wear for your engagement photoshoot is an important aspect to ensure you both look great and that the photos capture the essence of your relationship. Here's a guide to help you:

Coordinate, But Don't Match:

  • Choose a color palette that complements each other and the background, but avoid wearing identical outfits.
  • Consider the season and choose colors that work well with the surroundings.
  • If your photoshoot is in a natural setting, consider earthy tones (dark green, brown) and softer fabrics.
  • Light colours look great too such as neutrals and pastels.
  • Urban environments might call for more stylish and modern attire - such as suits and dresses.
  • Avoid busy patterns. Large, busy patterns can be distracting in photos. Opt for simple patterns (florals) or solid colors.

Add Personal Touches:

  • Feel free to wear something that reflects your personality or a shared interest. It could be a favorite color or a piece of jewelry with sentimental value - an engagement ring would be an obvious feature here :)

Be Comfortable:

  • Make sure you feel comfortable in what you're wearing. This will help you relax and enjoy the photoshoot.
  • Avoid clothing that is too tight or too loose.

Think Timeless:

  • Choose classic styles that won't look outdated in a few years. You want your photos to be timeless.
  • Avoid overly trendy pieces unless they really reflect your personal style.

Add Layers and Texture:

  • Layers and textures can add depth and interest to your photos. Consider a textured sweater or a jacket.
  • Scarves, hats, or statement accessories can also add a nice touch.

Consider the Season:

  • For spring and summer, light and pastel colors work well. Flowy dresses and casual shirts are great choices.
  • Autumn allows for richer, warmer tones. Think about incorporating cozy sweaters or jackets.
  • Winter calls for layering with stylish coats, scarves, and maybe even some bold colors.

Pay Attention to Detail:

  • Ensure your clothes are clean, well-ironed, and in good condition.
  • Pay attention to shoes, as they can be an overlooked detail that can greatly impact the overall look. (except for at the beach!)

Test it Out:

  • Before the actual photoshoot day, try on your outfits together to ensure they complement each other.

Wardrobe Finishing Touches:

  • Pay attention to small details like ironing your clothes, checking for loose threads, and ensuring everything fits well. These details contribute to an overall polished look.

Grooming Details:

Clean and Tidy Nails:

  • Ensure that your nails are clean and well-groomed, especially if there will be close-up shots of the engagement ring.
  • Dirty or unkempt nails can be distracting.
  • Consider a neutral or classic nail polish color that complements your overall look.

Ring Cleaning:

  • Clean your engagement ring before the photoshoot to ensure it sparkles in the photos.
  • You can use a soft cloth or a jewelry cleaner to remove any smudges or fingerprints.

Hair and Makeup:

  • For the ladies, consider professional hair and makeup if it aligns with your style. This can enhance your features and make you feel more confident.
  • If you're doing your own makeup, choose a natural look that enhances your natural beauty. Avoid heavy makeup that might look too dramatic in photos.
  • For the gentlemen, a neat haircut and facial hair grooming will add a polished touch to the photos.

Consider the Environment:

  • If your photoshoot is outdoors, keep in mind factors like wind or humidity that might affect your hair.
  • Use hair products that will keep your hair in place without looking too stiff or unnatural.
  • Embrace the windswept look of a beach adventure photoshoot.

Remember, the goal is to feel comfortable and confident, so choose grooming and styling options that align with your personal preferences. The more attention you pay to these details, the more polished and cohesive your engagement photos will be.

Remember, the most important thing is to be yourselves and enjoy the process. I will guide the poses and we will have fun creating these photographs for you!